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Monday, April 19, 2010

Identical AX 2009 AUC File Created For Multiple AX Installations

We came across an issue recently where we had the same GUID for two different AX installations running on the same server and therefore only one AUC file existed for both installations instead of two separate ones for use by the AX Client.
This caused various anomalies when the client was used to access both instances. We expect each of the AX installations having their own separate objects and application files associated to the AUC file.

In order to ensure that a unique AUC file is created per instance for the AX client to use, and also to ensure that the AX instances had a unique Global GUID, the solution was to delete the GlobalGUID from the SysSQMSettings table in one of the instances and replace the value with an empty GUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
Then restart the AOS service, as this will then generate a new GUID and allows a new AUC file to be created for the AX client when it is next run.

The above problem was most likely caused by using a copy of the same database.

The GUID is stored in the SysSQMSettings table and is unique for each AX installation.
You can find it by using the following Select statement:

" select GlobalGUID from SysSQMSettings ".. even you can have a look for the below job as well which will give you GUID and recId.

static void getGUID(Args _args)
SysSQMSettings SysSQMSettings;
select GlobalGUID from SysSQMSettings;

info(strfmt('%1, & rec id is -- %2', SysSQMSettings.GlobalGUID, SysSQMSettings.RecId));


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